cg635_clock_generator package


cg635_clock_generator.cg635_clock_generator module

Module for the control of the SRS CG635 clock generator.

class cg635_clock_generator.cg635_clock_generator.CG635ClockGenerator(communication_type: CG635Communication, serial_device: str | None = None, gpib_address: int | None = None, gpib_card: int | None = None, resource_path: str | None = None, resource_manager: ResourceManager | None = None, communication_timeout: int = 1000, operation_complete_timeout: int = 5, operation_complete_polling_interval: float = 0.1)[source]

Bases: object

Implements the control of the SRS CG635 clock generator.

  • communication_type (CG635Communication) – The communication method to use.

  • serial_device (Optional[str]) – The serial device to use for communication, in case RS-232 or USB (via an adapter) is used. Cannot be used together with gpib_address nor resource_path. Default is None.

  • gpib_address (Optional[int]) – The GPIB address to use for communication, in case GPIB is used. Cannot be used together with serial_device nor resource_path. Default is None.

  • gpib_card (Optional[int]) – The number of the GPIB card to use for communication. Default is None.

  • resource_path (Optional[str]) – The resource path to use for communication. Cannot be used together with serial_device nor gpib_device. Default is None.

  • resource_manager (pyvisa.Optional[ResourceManager]) – The resource manager to use for communication. If None, a new resource manager will be created. Default is None.

  • communication_timeout (int) – The communication timeout in milliseconds. Default is 1000.

  • operation_complete_timeout (int) – Maximum time to wait for an operation to complete (in seconds). Default is 5.

  • operation_complete_polling_interval (int) – Interval between checks for operation completion (in seconds). Default is 0.1.


GPIB default address.


GPIB default card.


Line termination.

RS232_BAUDRATE = 9600

Baud rate for the RS232 communication.


Flow control for the RS232 communication.

RS232_PARITY = 0

Parity for the RS232 communication.

RS232_STOP_BITS = 10

Number of stop bits for the RS232 communication.

RS323_BITS = 8

Number of bits for the RS232 communication.


Closes the connection to the device.

get_cmos_high_level() float[source]

Gets the high level of the CMOS output in volts.

get_cmos_low_level() float[source]

Gets the low level of the CMOS output in volts.

get_cmos_standard() CG635CMOSStandard | None[source]

Gets the CMOS standard. If the current CMOS levels are not standard, returns None.


CG635CommunicationError – If the CMOS standard is invalid.

get_frequency() float[source]

Gets the frequency of the output signal in Hz.

get_identification() str[source]

Gets the identification of the device.

get_output() bool[source]

Gets whether the output signal is enabled.

get_phase() float[source]

Gets the phase of the output signal in degrees.

get_q_high_voltage() float[source]

Gets the high voltage of the Q output in volts.

get_q_low_voltage() float[source]

Gets the low voltage of the Q output in volts.

get_q_standard() CG635QStandard | None[source]

Gets the Q standard. If the current Q levels are not standard, returns None.


CG635CommunicationError – If the Q standard is invalid.

get_timebase() CG635Timebase[source]

Gets the timebase of the device.


CG635CommunicationError – If the timebase is invalid.


Resets the device to factory settings. This is equivalent to pressing the keys ‘SHIFT’, ‘INIT’, ‘Hz’ on the front panel. The remote interface, GPIB address and the power-on status clear are not affected by this command.

set_cmos_high_level(level: float)[source]

Sets the high level of the CMOS output. To set to standard levels, use the set_cmos_standard method.

  • level – The high level of the CMOS output in volts. The range is -0.5 to

  • V. (6.0)


CG635CommandError – If the level is invalid.

set_cmos_low_level(level: float)[source]

Sets the low level of the CMOS output. To set to standard levels, use the set_cmos_standard method.

  • level – The low level of the CMOS output in volts. The range is -1.0 to

  • V. (1.0)


CG635CommandError – If the level is invalid.

set_cmos_standard(standard: CG635CMOSStandard)[source]

Sets the CMOS standard.


standard – The CMOS standard to set.

set_frequency(frequency: float)[source]

Sets the frequency of the output signal.


frequency – The frequency of the output signal in Hz.

set_output(enabled: bool)[source]

Enables or disables the output signal.


enabled – Whether to enable the output signals.

set_phase(phase: float)[source]

Sets the phase of the output signal.


phase – The phase of the output signal in degrees.


CG635TimeoutError – If the operation does not complete in time.

set_q_high_voltage(voltage: float)[source]

Sets the high voltage of the Q output.

  • voltage – The high voltage of the Q output in volts. The range is -2.00 to

  • V. (5.00)

set_q_low_voltage(voltage: float)[source]

Sets the low voltage of the Q output.

  • voltage – The low voltage of the Q output in volts. The range is -3.00 to

  • V. (4.80)

set_q_standard(standard: CG635QStandard)[source]

Sets the Q standard.


standard – The Q standard to set.


Sets the current phase to be zero degrees. This doesn’t change the phase of the output signal.

cg635_clock_generator.constants module

Constants for the SRS CG635 clock generator.

class cg635_clock_generator.constants.CG635CMOSStandard(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Enum for the CMOS levels of the SRS CG635 clock generator.

V1_2 = 0

1.2V CMOS level.

V1_8 = 1

1.8V CMOS level.

V2_5 = 2

2.5V CMOS level.

V3_3 = 3

3.3V CMOS level.

V5_0 = 4

5V CMOS level.

class cg635_clock_generator.constants.CG635Communication(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum for the communication buses of the SRS CG635 clock generator.


GPIB communication.


Other communication bus.

RS232 = 'RS232'

RS-232 communication.

class cg635_clock_generator.constants.CG635QStandard(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum for the Q/Q# standards of the SRS CG635 clock generator.

ECL = 0

ECL levels (-1.00/-1.80 V).

LVDS = 2

LVDS levels (1.43/1.07 V).

PECL_V3_3 = 3

PECL 3.3V levels (2.30/1.50 V).

PECL_V5_0 = 4

PECL 5.0V levels (4.00/3.20 V).


+7dBm (+0.50/-0.50 V).

class cg635_clock_generator.constants.CG635Timebase(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum for the timebases of the SRS CG635 clock generator.


External timebase.


Internal timebase.

OCXO = 1

OCXO timebase.


Rubidium timebase.

cg635_clock_generator.exceptions module

Exceptions for the CG635 clock generator.

exception cg635_clock_generator.exceptions.CG635CommandError[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in a command to the CG635.

exception cg635_clock_generator.exceptions.CG635CommunicationError[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is a communication error with the CG635.

exception cg635_clock_generator.exceptions.CG635OperationTimeoutError[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when a command to the CG635 times out.

Module contents

class cg635_clock_generator.CG635CMOSStandard(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Enum for the CMOS levels of the SRS CG635 clock generator.

V1_2 = 0

1.2V CMOS level.

V1_8 = 1

1.8V CMOS level.

V2_5 = 2

2.5V CMOS level.

V3_3 = 3

3.3V CMOS level.

V5_0 = 4

5V CMOS level.

class cg635_clock_generator.CG635ClockGenerator(communication_type: CG635Communication, serial_device: str | None = None, gpib_address: int | None = None, gpib_card: int | None = None, resource_path: str | None = None, resource_manager: ResourceManager | None = None, communication_timeout: int = 1000, operation_complete_timeout: int = 5, operation_complete_polling_interval: float = 0.1)[source]

Bases: object

Implements the control of the SRS CG635 clock generator.

  • communication_type (CG635Communication) – The communication method to use.

  • serial_device (Optional[str]) – The serial device to use for communication, in case RS-232 or USB (via an adapter) is used. Cannot be used together with gpib_address nor resource_path. Default is None.

  • gpib_address (Optional[int]) – The GPIB address to use for communication, in case GPIB is used. Cannot be used together with serial_device nor resource_path. Default is None.

  • gpib_card (Optional[int]) – The number of the GPIB card to use for communication. Default is None.

  • resource_path (Optional[str]) – The resource path to use for communication. Cannot be used together with serial_device nor gpib_device. Default is None.

  • resource_manager (pyvisa.Optional[ResourceManager]) – The resource manager to use for communication. If None, a new resource manager will be created. Default is None.

  • communication_timeout (int) – The communication timeout in milliseconds. Default is 1000.

  • operation_complete_timeout (int) – Maximum time to wait for an operation to complete (in seconds). Default is 5.

  • operation_complete_polling_interval (int) – Interval between checks for operation completion (in seconds). Default is 0.1.


GPIB default address.


GPIB default card.


Line termination.

RS232_BAUDRATE = 9600

Baud rate for the RS232 communication.


Flow control for the RS232 communication.

RS232_PARITY = 0

Parity for the RS232 communication.

RS232_STOP_BITS = 10

Number of stop bits for the RS232 communication.

RS323_BITS = 8

Number of bits for the RS232 communication.


Closes the connection to the device.

get_cmos_high_level() float[source]

Gets the high level of the CMOS output in volts.

get_cmos_low_level() float[source]

Gets the low level of the CMOS output in volts.

get_cmos_standard() CG635CMOSStandard | None[source]

Gets the CMOS standard. If the current CMOS levels are not standard, returns None.


CG635CommunicationError – If the CMOS standard is invalid.

get_frequency() float[source]

Gets the frequency of the output signal in Hz.

get_identification() str[source]

Gets the identification of the device.

get_output() bool[source]

Gets whether the output signal is enabled.

get_phase() float[source]

Gets the phase of the output signal in degrees.

get_q_high_voltage() float[source]

Gets the high voltage of the Q output in volts.

get_q_low_voltage() float[source]

Gets the low voltage of the Q output in volts.

get_q_standard() CG635QStandard | None[source]

Gets the Q standard. If the current Q levels are not standard, returns None.


CG635CommunicationError – If the Q standard is invalid.

get_timebase() CG635Timebase[source]

Gets the timebase of the device.


CG635CommunicationError – If the timebase is invalid.


Resets the device to factory settings. This is equivalent to pressing the keys ‘SHIFT’, ‘INIT’, ‘Hz’ on the front panel. The remote interface, GPIB address and the power-on status clear are not affected by this command.

set_cmos_high_level(level: float)[source]

Sets the high level of the CMOS output. To set to standard levels, use the set_cmos_standard method.

  • level – The high level of the CMOS output in volts. The range is -0.5 to

  • V. (6.0)


CG635CommandError – If the level is invalid.

set_cmos_low_level(level: float)[source]

Sets the low level of the CMOS output. To set to standard levels, use the set_cmos_standard method.

  • level – The low level of the CMOS output in volts. The range is -1.0 to

  • V. (1.0)


CG635CommandError – If the level is invalid.

set_cmos_standard(standard: CG635CMOSStandard)[source]

Sets the CMOS standard.


standard – The CMOS standard to set.

set_frequency(frequency: float)[source]

Sets the frequency of the output signal.


frequency – The frequency of the output signal in Hz.

set_output(enabled: bool)[source]

Enables or disables the output signal.


enabled – Whether to enable the output signals.

set_phase(phase: float)[source]

Sets the phase of the output signal.


phase – The phase of the output signal in degrees.


CG635TimeoutError – If the operation does not complete in time.

set_q_high_voltage(voltage: float)[source]

Sets the high voltage of the Q output.

  • voltage – The high voltage of the Q output in volts. The range is -2.00 to

  • V. (5.00)

set_q_low_voltage(voltage: float)[source]

Sets the low voltage of the Q output.

  • voltage – The low voltage of the Q output in volts. The range is -3.00 to

  • V. (4.80)

set_q_standard(standard: CG635QStandard)[source]

Sets the Q standard.


standard – The Q standard to set.


Sets the current phase to be zero degrees. This doesn’t change the phase of the output signal.

exception cg635_clock_generator.CG635CommandError[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in a command to the CG635.

class cg635_clock_generator.CG635Communication(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum for the communication buses of the SRS CG635 clock generator.


GPIB communication.


Other communication bus.

RS232 = 'RS232'

RS-232 communication.

exception cg635_clock_generator.CG635CommunicationError[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is a communication error with the CG635.

exception cg635_clock_generator.CG635OperationTimeoutError[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when a command to the CG635 times out.

class cg635_clock_generator.CG635QStandard(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum for the Q/Q# standards of the SRS CG635 clock generator.

ECL = 0

ECL levels (-1.00/-1.80 V).

LVDS = 2

LVDS levels (1.43/1.07 V).

PECL_V3_3 = 3

PECL 3.3V levels (2.30/1.50 V).

PECL_V5_0 = 4

PECL 5.0V levels (4.00/3.20 V).


+7dBm (+0.50/-0.50 V).

class cg635_clock_generator.CG635Timebase(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum for the timebases of the SRS CG635 clock generator.


External timebase.


Internal timebase.

OCXO = 1

OCXO timebase.


Rubidium timebase.